Intern Experience

Live Media Group


Rebranding and refining multimedia assets of the start-up company to improve user experience and conversion rates

My Role: UI/UX Department Lead

Interface Design, Branding, Marketing Material


At Live Media Group, a student-driven start-up company, I served as the head of the UI/UX department, where I was responsible for managing the design and user experience of 7 WeChat official accounts. These accounts represented the voices of Chinese students in seven universities across the US, UK, and Canada.


I was responsible for setting up design guidelines that ensured a consistent and cohesive branding across all our digital platforms. My work involved creating detailed design guidelines that helped designers across different universities to maintain a consistent design style that better represented Live Media Group.

To achieve this, I conducted an in-depth analysis of our brand and identified key elements that needed to be maintained across all digital platforms. I then created detailed design guidelines that covered everything from typography, color palette, logo usage, and layout specifications. These guidelines served as a reference for all designers and ensured that all our digital platforms were consistent in terms of design and branding.

Graphic Design

Apart from setting guidelines and workshops for designers in the company, I created and designed digital marketing and advertising materials.
Work includes:
·Official Website Redesign
·Business Pitch Slides Design
·Branding Animations
·WeChat Official Account Articles Design
·Company Anniversary Digital and Printed Materials Design

Web Design

Redesigning the official website was a significant project that required collaboration with cross-functional teams to ensure that the new design met the needs of the business and the target audience. I worked closely with the development team to create wireframes and design mockups, and I developed the visual design of the website, ensuring that it was visually appealing, easy to use, and consistent with our brand guidelines.

Business Pitch Design

Creating business pitch slides involved working closely with the business development team to design visually engaging slides that clearly communicated our value proposition and key messages to potential clients.

The efforts of our team helped Live Media Group's WeChat official accounts to reach 20,000 followers, reflecting a 65% increase in user size growth in 2021. This growth demonstrates the effectiveness of the design and branding efforts I contributed, and the value that design can bring to a company's marketing and communications strategies.

Key Takeaways

Through these projects, I gained valuable experience in designing for a variety of digital and print platforms, working with cross-functional teams, and meeting project deadlines. These experiences further developed my skills in project management, visual design, and communication, and provided me with a broad range of experiences to draw upon in future roles.